Sunday, 22 June 2008

The Hardy Crocodile Spinner

Hello, today I am featuring one of a group of antique fishing lures that were designed for assisting the angler in spinning real fish(dead ones). There were several designs of these apparatus, some more complex than others. As usual Hardy's came out with a device that was more complete than most. They called it the Crocodile Spinner.

Actually there were several different models,each of a slightly different pattern, as can be seen in my illustrations.
The general idea was that the metal lure consisted of a central spike, or needle, to which a swivel was attached. Below the swivel was attached a set of vanes, or fins, which were free moving, such that they could spin when being pulled through the water. There was then a self securing clasp device to hold the fish in place.

The dead fish was pushed length ways onto the spike,usually head first,whilst the clasp was open. The clasp was then closed, which pierced the fish through the sides with one, or several spikes. There was then the further option of wrapping wire around the fish, to both hold down the treble hooks, and to further secure the fish to the mount. Sounds like a medieval instrument of torture!
As mentioned there were several variations on the design, the differences mainly related to the length and shape of the spike, and the presence and number of side spikes on the clasp. There were several sizes available, 2 1/2-3 in,3 - 3 3/4in and 4 - 4 1/2inches. The lures were supplied with the central spikes being either leaded or unleaded. The wording Hardy's Alnwick will appear on the side of the clasp.
As usual other vintage tackle makers, like Allcocks, had their own variations.

Value wise they are not too rare,but do not appear on Ebay too often. There are currently a couple listed that are selling at £1.99.
Not too much more to say about this unusual,but interesting, family of antique fishing lures. I will feature some of the other variations in later blogs.
Thanks for reading.


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