Vintage lures on
Hello, today I will have a quick look at whats currently selling on uk, in the world of antique fishing lures.
I am making assumptions that most of you will be familiar with the use of eBay,if not get in touch and I can give you a few tips.
OK by going into advanced search, I can search using the terms, 'vintage fishing lure', and then, 'antique fishing lure', and thus be able to look for those terms in both the items title description, and also within the descriptive text of the item. Often the seller will not have used the term 'antique fishing lure' or 'vintage fishing lure' within his title, but it will likely be present within his descriptive text. This way I can cover both options and not miss out on any interesting lures.
Some of auctions will have likely concluded before you read this blog,but never mind it will give you an idea of what sells. Usually similar items reappear on a regular basis, so if you miss out this time you can get it next time.
Here are my thoughts on the value of whats on sale. Of course you may disagree, and if you have been waiting for a specific lure to complete your collection the value to you may be immense. So I don't mean to criticise, just make an observation with my opinion of rarity and value.
There are a number of Hardy baits on sale,as ever.
Hardy sprats at £30,max price I suggest,these can be quite rare.
Hardy Golden sprats at £20. Probably about the going rate for these,they are not too rare.
A set of 4 Hardy Swimmer baits at £50. Well, you do get 4 baits for the price but I think this is getting near the upper limit.
A Hardy's Jim Vincent spoon at £21. These are quite rare so I think this could go a bit higher,£35?
A Hardy's Jock Scott plug at £5. This doesn't look in good condition so I would suggest a fiver is maximum for this.
Hardy prawn tackles at £12, these are fairly common and the price for this looks high.
A Hardy Natural bait spinner at £15. Again these appear fairly regularly and this looks a high price to me.
And finally for Hardy's, a blank wooden minnow with metal fins. These are quite rare and the current price of £10 is a bargain. I can see this going for £40.
There are quite a few un-named lures and minnows. These are fine for building up a colourful collection and normally I would expect to bid about a £1 per lure.
A few other named lures also raise some interest.
There are a pair of Phantom minnows,one from WM Brown and the other from Mallochs,selling for £15. This looks like a good price for manufacturers that don't appear too often.
There are 5 Fosters Kill Devil lures. These are quite unusual and well worth a bid. I would expect these to get to maybe £50.
There are a couple of Allcocks Feathero minnows on sale. One at about £11, and the other at £18,but the latter has a box. These seem realistic prices.
There is a Helical lure on offer at £10. This is cheap for quite a rare lure. I would expect this to get up to maybe £40?
Farlows lures don't come up for sale that often. So a Farlows minnow at £7 is a good price.
Finally there is a Geens Improved Phantom lure going for £40. These are quite unusual and rare for EBay. I can see this reaching £50 or more.
Hopefully that summary of antique fishing lures currently on eBay is of some use and interest. As mentioned above some of these auctions may have already closed. But the blog will at least give you an idea of what is typically on offer.
Thanks for reading,see you next time.
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